Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The Beginners' Guide To Building An Email List.

What is the first thing to start doing when starting a business online?

'I strongly believe in building your own email list.'

In this post i will show you how to build an email list.

If you don't own your own ,then your business is at risk.

You are running your business at other people' mercy.Google's mercy ,Facebook mercy,Yahoo mercy-

You can wake up one day to find yourself out of business.

What others say about email marketing.

Jeff Goins writes, “It’s important because email is still the most powerful way to communicate online. Every day, people check their inboxes (often multiple times per day). They sit in front of a screen, glued to Outlook or Gmail, refreshing until they get that gratification of knowing someone else in the world cares about them..”

Pat Flynn says, “An email list will never die. If you have an email list, you will always have a way to communicate with your audience. Blogs can die. RSS readers could vanish. But, those email addresses will never change and you can always keep your audience informed of what you’re up to, even if you go completely off the radar.”

So now if an email list is so important to your online business success,Why is it many give no attention to it?

10 Challenges (and the solution) When Using Email To Reach Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:00:00 -0700

Getting people subscribed to the right lists - Once a church has gathered email addresses for people, they don't have a good way to get them onto the distribution lists that the subscriber wants/needs to be on. Managing lists (bad emails, unsubscribes, legal, etc.) ... Sharing lists, building upon them and “turnover” - When you have staff turnover, what happens to the distribution lists that the out-going person built? It's very common that whatever they were using to ...

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Beginners guide to building an email list.

#1-Set your goals

It is not enough to build your list ,you need to know what you want to accomplish at the end of it.

#2-Put together a Lead magnet.

An opt-in ethical bribe for your subscribers.When you give your readers an incentive ,they will be more likely to sign up to your list.

examples of Lead magnets to offer- (checklist,template,cheatsheet,resource list,workbook,e-course,video course,ebook/guide/report)

#3- Prepare content for your emails.

This usually includes, 

.Welcome email-should be engaging ,let the reader know who you are and what to expect from you.

.Auto responder sequence-

Tip- provide value not just promotional email,educate ,entertain,inspire.

#4-Choose an email servive provider.

here is a list of some good email service providers.

(getresponse,aweber,infusionsoft,mailchimp etc---)

Never fall for a cheap poor quality email service provider. Your email list is too important to be reckless with.

#5- Start creating campaings/building your list.

Most email service providers give quality training on how to create campmains and set up your account.

#6-When your campaigns are properly set,now its time to drive traffic to your offers/landing pages.

Use different forms of advertising to drive traffic to your landing pages.

Now go ahead , start building an email list,this post is your reference if you follow it you will never go wrong. 

Do you want  to learn how to sell anything on the internet by just following 3 easy steps.

                                 Go ahead and download my guide below.

E-edge report.

About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira



I have learnt how to use the power of technology to build businesses and hence now my objective is to teach others to do the same.

Contact me on -0027732657202


Monday, 24 November 2014

5- Inspirational quotes to lighten up your day.

A great man does not choose the easy path , but rather the one full of challenges.Here are 5 inspirational quotes to lighten your days and strengthen you  in you entrepreneural journey.

Quote 1

Image via Flickr

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To live with hope is a good virtue,

Today may not  have been that good but learning  to live with hope for a better tomorrow will keep you inspired to move foward.

And hence you cannot give up because you believe in tomorrow,

Get inspired to try and try again.

Quote 2

Image via Flickr

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It takes hard work and commitment,

Don't ever fall in  to get rich schemes-Success takes hard work ,planning and perseverence.

How many hours can you commit every day to building your dream.

Quote 3

Image via Flickr

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The journey of an Entrepreneur can be so lonely,Especially if you are working online from home.

But remember the most rewarding path is the ,path that many wont dare to travel.

The reward ahead is greater than the present pain.

Quote 4

Image via Flickr

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Every step that you make towards your dream ,is a step close to success.

An Entrepreneur breaks down complex tasks into small tasks to be achieved each day.

Reward yourself for every successful task you peform each day.

There is nothing impossible, Anything is possible.

Quote 5

Image via Flickr

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There is nothing you cannot do ,if you just put your heart and mind to it-

Don't be a complainer, where there is a will, there is a way.

The greatest resource that you need is YOU.

I hope you were inspired,

Now go ahead and continue building your dreams.

Do you want  to learn how to sell anything on the internet by just following 3 easy steps.

                                 Go ahead and download my guide below.

E-edge report.

About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira



I have learnt how to use the power of technology to build businesses and hence now my objective is to teach others to do the same.

Contact me on -0027732657202


3 Reasons why people are not buying your products online.

Three objections prospects raise before buying your product online.

Selling online is by far more complex than what most people think.In this post i am going to deal with 3-major objections that prospects raise to avoid pulling out a credit card.

Someone visiting your webpage for the first time would probably raise one or all of the objections below.

1:Legitimacy /genuity

the internet is a virtual media ,and you wouldnt be sure if you are communicating with a genuine person or scam.

Many people have fallen into the hands of scammers who dubbed them of their hard earned cash.


5 Sophisticated Work-From-Home Scams And How To Spot Them - Forbes Thu, 20 Nov 2014 14:07:19 GMT

Forbes5 Sophisticated Work-From-Home Scams And How To Spot ThemForbesWork-from-home scams were listed as the top internet crime in 2011 by the Internet Crime Complaint Center. More recent surveys haven't broken out categories the same way, but it loo ...

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Join associate governing bodies and get endorsement,

Give no reason for your prospect to doubt your legitimacy.Get reviewed by a local celebrity, Someone people have every reason to trust.

2:Expertise /Authority

How would you react when during a hospital visit ,you are attended by a new doctor who has just graduated from college.

I guess you know  the feeling.Visitors to your website or sales letters would react as such ,and mostly they wouldnt buy anything from you.


You probably not any Expert,you dont know what you are talking about.


Present yourself professionally-

Present good quality content , revise your work before publishing ,get advice and mentorship.

On your website ,its recommended to include a Frequently Asked Question Category dealing with relavant questions that people ask?

The correct use of reviews and testimonials will erase any doubt in the mind of your prospect.

So when you are writing your copy ,make sure you include a place for genuine testimonials.

Now lets deal with the last objection-

3:Pricing/value for money

Image via Flickr

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How do you prove the value of your product from just copy-mean webcopy.

Your webcopy should be a salesman in print.

Things to include in your copy -

Genuine testimonials about your product,someone who has used  your product and is happy to give a review.

Clearly lay -out  the benefits of your product,not just product features.

Give your prospect no reason,to look else where.

There is a thin line between Making or Breaking a sale.

However if you learn how to right good copy ,you will be able to win against an objections that your prospects raise when they want to buy your product online.

Do you want  to learn how to sell anything on the internet by just following 3 easy steps.

Go ahead and download my guide below.

E-edge report.

About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira



I have learnt how to use the power of technology to build businesses and hence now my objective is to teach others to do the same.

Contact me on -0027732657202


Friday, 21 November 2014

4- Blogging Tips For Beginners.

Since blogging has gone far more than just for fun ,much attention should be given to the strategies to be used,
Of course, if you are thinking of starting a blog you need to have an underlying strategy in place to ensure it is a success.
Here are four blogging tips to consider before you enter the blogosphere:
1. Identify a Purpose, Goal and Intention for your Blog
While you obviously want to promote your business, don't be over-promotional in your blog content strategy. Decide early on what you want to accomplish with your blog - and this should drive your content.
2. Getting Started - Blog Software
Time is a factor when it comes to masses consistence blogging and once you have decided to start blogging, you will need to consider the software options available for hosting your blog. Many social media experts advise businesses to be wary of some of the free blog tools available, since their basic features don't offer integration with existing business Web domains or allow for brand customization.
Truth be told, however, if you are just getting started with a blog, free blogging software can be a cost-effective and easy solution for many small businesses. If your blog does take off down the road, you might want to consider migrating to blog software that is installed on your domain and integrated with your Web site. And don't forget to devise a communication plan to let your readers know that you are moving hosts!

Meet the mom bloggers of Southwest Florida - The News-Press (blog) Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:55:50 GMT
The News-Press (blog)Meet the mom bloggers of Southwest FloridaThe News-Press (blog)I blog about a wide variety of topics that include everything from easy recipes and parenting advice to party planning, Florida travel tips and general life managemen ...
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3. Commit to Blogging Regularly and with Relevance
There are two tell tale signs that a blog has lost its way - no posts for two weeks or more, and content that has veered off course. Neither will give a favorable impression of your company.
A good way to keep posts regular is to share duties with others. This also adds a diversity of voices. Having an editorial calendar can also keep you on track. Written in advance (for the coming month or quarter), an editorial calendar should include not just the working title of upcoming posts, but a summary of the objective of each post too. Also include hyperlinks to other resources that can help you craft your post quickly and efficiently when it comes time to write. Don't forget to include placeholders for topical posts that spring up at the last minute. For example, in the case of our hypothetical company - JJ's Landscaping Services - topical posts that address current issues such as protracted weather conditions can keep your blog relevant and compelling.
4. Develop a Plan to Generate Traffic to your Blog
Last, but by nomeans least, generating traffic to your blog is critical. The trouble is, many bloggers either do nothing to leverage the tactics available to them, or they go overboard and saturate their blog pages with links and social media icons to drive inbound traffic.
inspiration for you -
Every blogger needs some motivations, some short inspirational quotes time by time to keep up the taste, the interest. 
The truth is, continuously doing the same thing will make you dull. To preserve the true spirit of blogging, one will need some trends for sure. 
1. The start is what stops most people.
-Don Shula

The start is what stops most people
Lesson: No doubt this is the thing almost happens for all the beginners. We really need to admire that beginning is really hard. Because there are so many things to learn. I must say the beginning of blogging is the test of keeping patience.
The person who could overcome it is the real struggler. If you can’t, unfortunately blogging is not for you people. That’s why most people stop at the start. And you need to overcome it if you really want to establish a successful blog.

2. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
-Zig Ziglar

If you can dream it you can achieve it
Lesson: Achievement truly depends on intention. The bigger your dreams, the bigger your achievements. The person who goes after his dreams to make it happen will get it someday. I can bet you that without dreaming of success, you will never achieve it.

3. Whatever you are, be a good one.
-Abraham Lincoln

Whatever you are be a good one
Lesson: There are thousand of professions in our virtual life. These will vary from person to person because of their choices. It doesn’t matter whatever you are. But the matter is how proficient you are. Your success will be relying on your works.
Suppose you are a blogger. To capture a successful blog  moment, you need to be very good at it. There are vast of tough competitors outside. Without being a top class blogger, you won’t be able to beat them. So we should always try to be the best.

4. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
-Steve Jobs

The only way to do great work is to love what you do
It might be a great awareness among the bloggers. If you really wanna do blogging, be with it. Otherwise, don’t waste your time in such profession. The person who loves his work will surely love to enjoy his upcoming achievements. 

5. Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.

Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will
Lesson: It’s a true word about the blogging strategies. We always look for better strategies that might work well. Sometimes when a strategy fails, we start to find out the faults. In fact, sometimes we get so involved that we forget everything else. In this case we might lose all our hopes soon.
But it is not suppose to happen. Because finding only faults will be the wasting of time. It will be ideal to leave all the reasons that didn’t work and find out the one reason that it will.

6. Fall seven times and stand up eight.
-Japanese Proverb

Fall seven times and stand up eight
Lesson: This is a well known Japanese proverb inspired from the story of “The king of Scotland Robert Bruce and The Spider”. In the story, Robert Bruce saw a spider was trying to climb a wall but falling every time. The first seven attempts were in vain. But in the eighth attempt, it succeeded.
So we should be following this great proverb. We should always try to never give up on any kind of works. If we fail, we should try again unless we get succeeded.    

7. Failure is success if we learn from it.
-Malcolm Forbes

Failure is success if we learn from it
Lesson: Failure is nothing but the pillar of success. The most common truth is human will fail. In fact, that would be really weird if someone never fails. I’m sure no one has prospered without failing. So failure is a part of success.
Actually, failure is so powerful that it could be the reason to leave a profession. But I will call them coward because they will always run from their duties. Don’t you know failure will be your success if you can manage to learn from it.

8. The best way out is always through.
-Robert Frost

The best way out is always through
Lesson: Trouble has become a common barrier in the way of our prosperity. Every time in every work we come along this trouble. So what we should do? Run out of this platform and take safer place, right? You will be doing this for sure if you are a loser. 
The best is always through. Whenever we find out troubles we should better go through them, face them. As diamond cuts diamond, we should also cut the troubles with troubles. So the way will be quite easy for us to go.

9. The best revenge is massive success.
-Frank Sinatra

The best revenge is massive success
Lesson: Revenge is the common quality in our new generation. You have betrayed me and I will take a revenge. This is the truth. But in the blogging profession, competitors are the main obstacle. So what we should do to take revenge against the competitors?
It’s simple, score a massive success in front of them and they will be jealous of you. In this way, the revenge will be your best spirit to overcome. So that’s all we should try to do in our case.

10. It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.
-Eddie Cantor

It takes 20 years to become an overnight success
Lesson: Overnight success in not actually overnight. Everyone shares the ways to be succeeded overnight.  We will need to work very hard in order to get perfection. It will take years to be in that position.
So it teaches us that we should work really hard to be an expert in blogging. We should keep practicing again and again. And someday you will feel like yeah, it’s easy for me to make an overnight success.

And now the ball is in your hands

Do you want  to learn how to sell anything on the internet by just following 3 easy steps.
Go ahead and download my guide below.
E-edge report.

About the Author.
Munetsi Zunguzira
I have learnt how to use the power of technology to build businesses and hence now my objective is to teach others to do the same.
Contact me on -0027732657202

Thursday, 20 November 2014

One way to work from home and make money-


If you've dreamed of skipping your morning commute and working from the comfort of your own home, it turns out you can.

In this post i will show you how to start working from home,build your business that will eventually assist you quit your job.

Here are 7 factors you need to keep in mind when looking for a legitimate opportunity.

  1. Don’t be in a rush. The internet isn’t going anywhere, so take your time to find the opportunity that is right for you. This way you are more committed to your choice and as a result, you are more motivated and productive.
  2. Don’t fall for the get rich quick scheme. While I understand the desire to earn money working from home, the get rich quick scheme is simply that, a scheme. “All that glitters is not gold.” Any job or opportunity you venture into, will require your time and effort to build that income. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.  It’s all just hype to get you to part with your hard earned cash.
  3. Job versus opportunity. What you need to consider here is do you want to be working for someone who determines how much you earn as opposed to working for yourself and you determining how much you earn. Think about that for a moment.
  4. Short-term versus long-term income. Are you looking to earn extra income for the short-term or are you thinking of earning income for the long-term, such as residual income or earning income 24/7, even while you are asleep. For example, doing online surveys or data entry might be a good way to earn some extra cash but those are one time payments.
  5. Level of income. What kind of potential income are you looking for? In other words are you looking for a work at home job that would pay you a particular amount, or an “opportunity” in which you can determine your income level?
  6. Employee or entrepreneur. Do you want to work for someone else or would you prefer to be your own boss for a change? Would you prefer having an opportunity with great flexibility or someone dictating your schedule?
  7. Is it something you would like to do. This is very important because if you don’t like what you’re doing, you won’t be committed.


Bronx youth turn to unconventional jobs in bleak job market - CNBC Thu, 20 Nov 2014 16:54:59 GMT

CNBCBronx youth turn to unconventional jobs in bleak job marketCNBCWhen Luis ran away from his rural home in Guatemala he had no idea he would end up washing dishes in a New York City restaurant to make ends meet. During his three-month trek to Ameri ...

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Do you want  to learn how to sell anything on the internet by just following 3 easy steps.

Go ahead and download my guide below.

E-edge report.

About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira



I have learnt how to use the power of technology to build businesses and hence now my objective is to teach others to do the same.

Contact me on -0027732657202
