What is the first thing to start doing when starting a business online?
'I strongly believe in building your own email list.'
In this post i will show you how to build an email list.
If you don't own your own ,then your business is at risk.
You are running your business at other people' mercy.Google's mercy ,Facebook mercy,Yahoo mercy-
You can wake up one day to find yourself out of business.
What others say about email marketing.
Jeff Goins writes, “It’s important because email is still the most powerful way to communicate online. Every day, people check their inboxes (often multiple times per day). They sit in front of a screen, glued to Outlook or Gmail, refreshing until they get that gratification of knowing someone else in the world cares about them..”
Pat Flynn says, “An email list will never die. If you have an email list, you will always have a way to communicate with your audience. Blogs can die. RSS readers could vanish. But, those email addresses will never change and you can always keep your audience informed of what you’re up to, even if you go completely off the radar.”
So now if an email list is so important to your online business success,Why is it many give no attention to it?
10 Challenges (and the solution) When Using Email To Reach
http://www.flocknote.com/blog Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:00:00 -0700
Getting people subscribed to the right lists - Once a church has gathered email addresses for people, they don't have a good way to get them onto the distribution lists that the subscriber wants/needs to be on. Managing lists (bad emails, unsubscribes, legal, etc.) ... Sharing lists, building upon them and “turnover” - When you have staff turnover, what happens to the distribution lists that the out-going person built? It's very common that whatever they were using to ...
Beginners guide to building an email list.
#1-Set your goals
It is not enough to build your list ,you need to know what you want to accomplish at the end of it.
#2-Put together a Lead magnet.
An opt-in ethical bribe for your subscribers.When you give your readers an incentive ,they will be more likely to sign up to your list.
examples of Lead magnets to offer- (checklist,template,cheatsheet,resource list,workbook,e-course,video course,ebook/guide/report)
#3- Prepare content for your emails.
This usually includes,
.Welcome email-should be engaging ,let the reader know who you are and what to expect from you.
.Auto responder sequence-
Tip- provide value not just promotional email,educate ,entertain,inspire.
#4-Choose an email servive provider.
here is a list of some good email service providers.
(getresponse,aweber,infusionsoft,mailchimp etc---)
Never fall for a cheap poor quality email service provider. Your email list is too important to be reckless with.
#5- Start creating campaings/building your list.
Most email service providers give quality training on how to create campmains and set up your account.
#6-When your campaigns are properly set,now its time to drive traffic to your offers/landing pages.
Use different forms of advertising to drive traffic to your landing pages.
Now go ahead , start building an email list,this post is your reference if you follow it you will never go wrong.
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About the Author.
Munetsi Zunguzira
Internet Entrepreneur-www.munetsipages.com
I have learnt how to use the power of technology to build businesses and hence now my objective is to teach others to do the same.
Contact me on -0027732657202
email -zunguziramunetsi@gmail.com