How to market effectively on Facebook.
Most people think that it's easy to market and grow your business on Facebook.
I have a different opinion though,Facebook has huge traffic and it a potential business booster for both Offline and Online businesses.
Only and if only -If you follow the Facebook rule of the thumb.
So What Is The Rule Of The Thumb?
Unlike sites like,Facebook is a social platform people who visits facebook have no intention to buy anything.
Facebook users are social buddies,who wants to meet people ,friends and family,and also to share their daily expriences with their communities.
How to sell on Facebook and make money.
Every business owner needs to be on facebook and have a interactive Facebook Fan page.
Tips to grow your business on Facebook.
#1-Know your audience-
Know who they are ,what they like ,what makes them laugh.
In other words study your target market.
#2-Provide value
Remember the #facebook rule of the thumb.
When your audience cries ,Know how to comfort them
When your audience seek advice know how to the authority in your niche.
When your audince is low emotionally-provide soothing qoutes that will make them laugh.
Becoming a friend to your Audince and hence gaining Trust-
#3-Don't be a nagging Friend.
Avoid overselling to your Audience.
It's also a good idea to avoid 'spamming' others. This is when you send out all kinds of promotional material and information all at once to all sorts of Facebook users, and continue doing it daily. It can turn prospective clients off quickly. They may block you, or remove their status as your friend or fan.
#4-Be Focused.
Don't forget the reason why you created your Facebook fanpage.
Before you post anything on your profile ask yourself.
What do i want to achieve with this post?
engagement,likes, shares ,comments etc
When you begin your business ventures on Facebook, it's a good idea to keep your focus. Your business has a purpose, and you'll need a good grasp of what that purpose is. This will help you connect with the right groups and prospective customers.
When you begin filling your page with content - the information that people read when they visit your page - keep it on topic. Prospects will lose interest if your content has no focused purpose.
To help keep your focus and avoid getting 'sucked in' to the social aspects of Facebook, it may help to schedule certain times of the day when you do your social networking.
LINKS Fri, 09 Jan 2015 15:16:45 -0800
Tips for Marketing Effectively on Facebook. by Tim Parker. Facebook is making it harder for you to reach your page's fans without paying to advertise. Before you open up your wallet, make sure you're doing all you can to get your Facebook ...
Read more ... Mon, 12 May 2014 15:07:30 -0700
Learn the effective Facebook marketing strategies for your businesses. Gain traffic, brand awareness, customers & sales through these Facebook marketing tips.
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About the author.
Munetsi Zunguzira.
Internet Entrepreneur
I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.
If you want to join me in this journey you are welcome to contact me on-
call: 0027732657202