Thursday, 22 January 2015

10 Tips on getting more likes on Facebook Pages.

One of the ways to attract and retain customers is through Facebook marketing-building lasting relationships.Below are 10 strategies you can implement in order to increase your fanpage likes and enagement.

Why quantity ?  More fans on your page.

#-The law of averages is applicable,

The more the number the greater the chance to hit a sell.


People naturally want to like what other people like,when you have more likes on you Fanpage you present yourself as an authority.

10 Practical strategies to grow your facebook Fanpage likes.

1-Insert Facebook Light Box widget in your blog sidebar.

Create & Install Facebook Like Box to Promote Your ... Thu, 15 Jan 2015 01:58:00 -0800

Create & Install Facebook Like Box to Promote Your Facebook Page on Blogger PFCI Tech! is a Place Where You Get Free Technology Stuffs, Like Facebook Tips and Tricks, Windows Tips and Tricks, Hacks, Pranks And Much More...

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2-Insert Facebook Like Popout Box.

Facebook Popup (Like Box Widget) - Best Blog Widgets For ... Sat, 17 Aug 2013 15:19:00 -0700

Here's a fantastic way to increase facebook likes for your blog or website. Add this enticing widget to your website and a facebook like box will pop up with the lightbox effect when a user visits your page. The facebook widget ...

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You can add the widget in blogger too and here is how to do it.

How to Add Facebook Like Pop Up Box for Blogger? - Help ... Sat, 24 Aug 2013 00:12:00 -0700

This article is written to share a very simple trick with you to add Facebook pop up like box to your blog. It is aimed at increasing Facebook likes for your pages. It's an astounding widget which, we are sure, will definitely work in third party ...

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3-Invite your Friends to like your pages.


Invite all friends to Like a FB page with Single Click

You created a new Facebook Fan page but don’t have any likes on it.

The best way to get Likes is to invite your all friends to like a Facebook page, but inviting your each friend manually takes a hell lot of time. But you can use the this Latest trick to invite all friends to like facebook page by a Single Click-

  • Log In to your Facebook account and Open the Page for which you want to send invitations to your Friends.
  • Now Click on Invite friends Option and a pop up will appear.
  • Now simply press f12 key from your Keyboard and Chrome Console window will Open.
  • Copy the below posted Code and paste it in the Console window and you’re done !!

More at:

Invite all friends to Like a FB page with Single Click - in one ... Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:02:00 -0800

ALL IN ONE TIPS AND TRICKS BY YOYO PRODUCTIONS! Hey Guys, I ... The best way to get Likes is to invite your all friends to like a Facebook page, but inviting your each friend manually takes a hell lot of time. But you can ...

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4-Comment on other pages.

5-Promote your Facebook page.

Facebook Adas is the quickest and profitable campaign that you can run in order to increase the number of likes on your Fanpage-

Only and if only done Right.

How to Run Facebook Ads for an E-commerce Site | SEJ Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:31:32 -0700

Whether you have a large or small business, Facebook ads is one way to create buzz for your products, get conversions, and understand your audience.

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7-Create a beautiful professional logo and cover design.

8-Update your page regularly.

9-Never Spam ,be professional.

10-Run Contests and Giveaways.


Facebook’s Updated Guidelines:

Facebook’s Release on the new Guidelines:

Links to local State Rules:

Fanpage Competitions Ninja App (including OnPage Contest Tool)  ==> click here

About the author.

Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-

call:  0027732657202

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

How to build your email list?

Every business needs an email list because the future of a business depends on it.

However there is a great mistake that many marketers make ,especially when starting to build any email list.

Why build an email list anyway?

Builds relationships

Builds relationships

Establishing consumer trust and loyalty in a brand takes time. Email marketing allows you to build relationships with prospects, leads, and past and current customers by directly speaking to them about your brand via their inbox. No need to worry about invading their personal space because they can always check your emails at a time most convenient for them. You can introduce them to new products or services, send them newsletters, information about events in their area, discount vouchers, and so on.

, your email marketing campaigns should fetch significant returns.



Quality vs Quantity

Offering freebies as incentives to join an email list is standard practice in internet marketing. Most marketers focus on getting as many signups as possible by focusing on the freebie and downplaying the email subscription. But is that the best approach?

Amanda Gagnon wrote:

Mentioning email first weeds out people who are only interested in freebies. If they'll unsubscribe immediately or report spam, the sign-up would be worthless.

For those on the fence, though, the download might tip the balance in favor of subscription. And people who sign up for the sake of the emails receive an instant thank-you gift.

Granted, someone who unsubscribes as soon as they've downloaded was never really a subscriber, but I can think of a few advantages to going for more subscribers, even if they're not all golden prospects:

1) Some of the marginal prospects who you lose by emphasizing the subscription might have become buyers, especially if your follow-up is good.

2) If the freebie itself promotes your products or reminds them of your brand, getting it into the hands of marginal prospects can lead to more sales, even if they do unsubscribe immediately.

What do you think? What advantages are there to having a smaller list with only good prospects vs. a larger list with both good and bad? What do you have to do to take capitalize on those advantages? When might a bigger list be better, even if the quality is lower?

Email List Building: Quantity or Quality? » White Hat Crew Wed, 15 Sep 2010 08:33:22 -0700

Offering freebies as incentives to join an email list is standard practice in internet marketing. Most marketers focus on getting as many signups as possible by focusing on the freebie and downplaying the email subscription. But is that the best ...

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How You Can Build A Large, Responsive Email List ... Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:47:05 -0800

... you need a good list of subscribers. Check these ideas to grow your email list in terms of adequate size and quality. ... Focusing On What Matters Most (Quality Over Quantity). Focusing On What Matters Most (Quality Over ...

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About the athour.

Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

How To Use Facebook For Business.

From Small business to a huge enterprises,everyone has an opportunity to grow a business by using Facebook.

Its just a reality that your customers are on Facebook ,new prospects and customers.

4- Tips On Using Facebook For Business.

#1-Grow Your Audience. 

One of the best ways to expand your outreach on your Facebook site is to ask friends, family, and existing customers to like your page and share it with their own circles. You can keep growing your audience through your posts, blogs, and newsletters. As long as you don’t over-post and annoy your customers but, instead, provide them with interesting information and topics, they will be more than happy to share your posts. You can also use the various social plugins made available by Facebook, including the Like Button or Like Box, which allow you to bring in fans to your business page without having to go over to your own personal Facebook page.

#2- Goals for Every Post. 

Every post should have a goal behind it. If it doesn't, then what is the point of posting? There are three main post types for businesses; 1) status updates, which lead to comments and interaction with customers, 2) links, which generate click-throughs, and 3) the use of photos and videos, which brings likes and shares. Before posting, determine which of the three avenues are you attempting to pursue, and then ask yourself, how many people am I hoping to reach with this post? Who do I actually want to see this? What do I want them to do with this information? Once you can successfully answer the questions, you know your post will be worth its while.

#3-Message Flow/consistency

In order to avoid confusing your customers, ensure that your value proposition message is the same on your Facebook page as it is on your actual business website. Your value proposition, which should include how you solve problems and the benefits you offer, is what sets you apart from your competitors. So make sure to stay consistent with your message so that your customers know that the Facebook page they are viewing does indeed belong to your business. The greater the clarity, the greater the productivity.

# 4-Include Call-to-Actions. 

Make sure to add CTAs onto your Facebook page to direct customers to your business website, or even the checkout section of your webpage. Grant customers the instructions they may be seeking by making it extremely easy for them to purchase your featured products or services with just one click from your Facebook page. The easier it is for them to buy your items, the more likely the chances that they will.

One Extra Tip To Grow Your Audience Quickly on Facebook.

Using Facebook ads optimised for mobile-

How To Use Facebook Mobile Ads To Drive Traffic Sat, 17 Jan 2015 19:15:20 -0800

Have you ever considered the amount of people who access Facebook from their mobile devices? Out of the 1.32 billion people that use Facebook each month, 399 million of them only use Facebook through their mobile ...

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About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


How to have a good sleep?

Are you having a good sleep?

I don't regard a good sleep as mere hours that you are lying on your bed,its more also about  the quality of the sleep.

Here are  5- Signs that you are not having enough,quality sleep.

Using an alarm to wake you may be a sign of sleep deprivation.

We all know how important it is to get enough sleep. Without it we yawn and drag through the day and maybe even need a long or involuntary nap to get through it. But you don’t have these obvious signs of sleep deprivation so you must be getting enough sleep, right? Maybe not. Check these 6 signs that you may not be getting all the sleep you need after all.

1. You use an alarm clock.

When we are free of sleep debt we will wake naturally at about the same time each day after our body has completed its restorative tasks. If you keep a regular schedule and avoid substances that alter the natural cycling of sleep and waking,you should not need to be yanked forcefully from your slumber in the morning. Waking to a jangling alarm clock is a nasty, stress inducing way to start the day. A natural, quiet and fresh awakening is a much more pleasant way to greet the new dawn.

2. You lose your keys.

Memory consolidation is thought to be one of the functions of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. We generally get the bulk of our REM sleep in the last ½ of our sleep session. Therefore if our night is cut short we miss out mostly on REM sleep and may be more prone to memory glitches. Long term sleep problems have even been shown to have an association with Alzheimer’s Disease.

3. You yell at your kids.

Irritability, lack of tolerance and impulse control problems have all been linked to sleep deprivation. This is true for both kids and adults. It is important for everyone in the family to make a sleep a nightly priority. Then the kids will be more likely to behave and you will be less likely to fly off the handle if they don’t!

4. You would rather eat doughnuts than broccoli.

Sleep balances our appetite hormones. With enough sleep under our belt we will have fewer cravings for carbohydrates and the artificial energy found in sugary snacks. We can then make those healthy food choices more easily.

5. You can’t seem to lose weight.

Along the same lines as #4, sleep is also the time we are most efficient at producing human growth hormone and testosterone. Theses hormones help us achieve and maintain a strong, lean body. Without adequate sleep, all our good intentions, diet plans and workout routines will be far less effective than they would be if supported by just a bit more shut-eye.

How To Have A Good Sleep?

22 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep - The Art of Manliness Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:31:36 -0700

22 tips to get the best night's sleep you'll ever have. Exercise, music, and lighting tips are included.

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1.Invest in a good mattress. 

Remember, you’ll spend an average of 24 years – 24 years! – of your life sleeping. So there’s no investment that yields a better ROI than a mattress that helps you slumber soundly (and that’s not always the most expensive one, either). Pick the mattress that’s right for you. If the manufacturer lets you test it out for a trial period, all the better.

While you’re at it, change your sheets once a week. Nothing feels better than getting into a bed with nice, clean linen.

2. Find your ideal sleeping schedule by going camping for a week. If you want to find the ideal amount of sleep your unique body craves, as well as its ideal wake time, go camping for a week. Researchers at the University of Colorado found that participants who roughed it in the great outdoors shifted their sleeping schedule to one that lined up more with the earth’s natural solar day and night. In the absence of artificial light, they returned to their primeval pattern. On average, the participants went to bed earlier, woke up earlier, and slept longer. Even self-proclaimed night owls shifted to a sleep/wake cycle that lined up with the natural solar day and night and started going to sleep well before their “normal” bedtime back home. (This suggests that their night owl-ness may be driven more by preference and habit than their biological makeup.)

Even if your “real life” schedule can’t accommodate the natural sleeping schedule you uncover while slumbering in the wild, it can provide you ideals to shoot for. And the experiment should at least give you an idea of how much sleep your body needs to feel fully rested. Shoot for that number, whatever your schedule may be.

And if you’re suffering massive sleep debt, a week of camping away from artificial light and the stresses of modern life is a great way to catch up on some much-needed .

3. Stick to a consistent schedule. 

Our bodies are evolved to sleep at a regular schedule. Ideally, that schedule would align with the earth’s natural day and night cycle. In our modern 24/7 society, that sort of schedule is not possible for most of us. But we can do our best to be consistent with the sleep schedule that we do have. Experiment, find the schedule that works for you, and then stick to it like clockwork — that means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day – even on weekends!

4. Wake up at the same time every morning. If for any reason you have to go to bed later than usual, try to still wake up at the same time. This is particularly important if you’re trying to establish a new, healthier sleep schedule. The time of your waking seems to set the schedule of when you’ll start feeling sleepy later in the day. Thus, if you go to bed late, and then wake up late, it’ll start a cycle that messes up your whole rhythm. If you instead get up early even after going to bed late, you’re more likely to feel tired at the desired time.

5. Never hit the snooze button. In hitting the snooze button you may think you’re giving your body and mind the bit of extra sleep that it needs, but you’re actually just setting yourself up to feel groggier than you would have if you’d just gotten right out of bed. You see, when you hit snooze and drift back to sleep, rather than returning to the lighter sleep stage you were just in (in which your body may have already been preparing to wake up), you may begin a new sleep cycle altogether. Then, when the alarm goes off the second time, it’ll likely catch you in a deeper stage of sleep, leaving you feeling groggy, ill-rested, and looking for a mallet to smash your alarm clock. To help rid yourself of this habit, try placing your alarm (be it a phone or a clock) in a place where you’ll have to physically get out of bed to turn it off.

6. Expose yourself to bright light as soon as you get up. Bright light, particularly blue light, sends a signal to our brain to stop releasing melatonin and to start raising cortisol levels to help wake us up. Research suggests that morning exposure to bright light not only helps wake you up, but can also help you get to sleep later that night. Early morning light may even help regulate your metabolism; one study showed a correlation between exposure to light in the morning and a healthy BMI. The author of that study, Dr. Phyllis C. Zee, explains: “Light is the most potent agent to synchronize your internal body clock that regulates circadian rhythms, which in turn also regulates energy balance. The message is that you should get more bright light between 8 a.m. and noon.”

While the blue light emitted from your electronic devices isn’t as strong, taking a look at your laptop as soon as you get out of bed can help wake you up too; however, checking your email first thing in the morning can also induce crankiness and doesn’t get your morning off to the right, focused start.

7. Exercise every day. 

Dimes to donuts your hard-toiling great-grandpa didn’t have any trouble getting to sleep at night. Manual labor is truly the best sleeping aid of all.

In our techno-industrial economy where most of us sit at a desk all day, the next best thing to pushing a plow is doing a daily bout of exercise. The research suggests that regular exercisers sleep better than those who don’t. If possible, you may consider exercising in the morning to help wake you up. If nighttime exercise is the only thing you can do, that’s fine as well. Just not too close to bedtime.

22 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep - The Art of Manliness Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:31:36 -0700

22 tips to get the best night's sleep you'll ever have. Exercise, music, and lighting tips are included.

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How To Sleep Better - Business Insider Fri, 02 Jan 2015 07:00:00 -0800

Establishing good sleeping habits is one of the best ways to transform your life — there's little that affects your day more than how you slept the night before. But as the 40% of Americans who don't get enough sleep know, ...

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Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

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One of the country's leading researchers updates his revolutionary approach to solving--and preventing--your children's sleep problemsHere Dr. Marc Weissbluth, a distinguished pediatrician and father of four, offers his groundbreaking program to ensu ...

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About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneursig

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Thursday, 15 January 2015

Discover the two components that make up Victory 100.

How everyone can benefit from Victory 100 system.

Victory 100 is a two fold system.Now lets discover who can use the system and how to use it.

Small businesses/Network Marketers.

V-Social is a great tool for social media marketing that every small business/network marketer can use.It is a cutting edge on twitter.

Victory 100 posts dominating Twitter Feeds.

How i got everyone retweeting my posts on Twitter by Just using #Victory 100 tools.

Victory 100 has impacted the social media platform in the positive way.I have started using the tools that  Victory 100 provides to internet marketers and entrepreneurs and i have seen tremendous results , especially with my twitter account.Almost everyday i get people liking and re tweeting my posts,its so amazing.

- See more at:

Optimising your posts to increase attraction ,engagement and conversions is the primary goal for you social media marketing.

Victory 100's content creation tool will do this for you.

Here are some categories that you can find inside #victory 100 dashboard-

(business,facts,funny qoutes,social media,general tips ,real estate,health tips,travel tips,daily featured,and you can also add your own categories---)

Advantages of optimising your content.

-You speak to the write crowd,avoid time wasters.

-you provide quality content to your audience,hence your audience will start to like and buy from you.

Becoming an authority in your field.

Victory 100 content creation platform is updated frequently ,therefore you will be posting trending content.

#search engines love fresh quality content.


The Opportunity.

How to make money with Victory 100-

For Entrepreneurs and Network Marketers.

Victory 100 has a program that gives members an opportunity to earn substantial amount of money from selling its products-ie v-social and v -success.

How do people get paid in Victory 100?

As a Victory 100 member you get paid 100 % commission on every sale that you make -

The compensation plan is clear and also also designed to benefit everyone-not only the Elite few.One of the reason why Victory 100 cannot be classified as a pyramid scheme.

Is Victory 100 a pyramid scheme? — About victory 100 Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:00:00 -0800

Before you join Victory 100 as member one thing you would want to check is ,if victory 100 is legal.Is Victory 100 a real network marketing company or just another pyramid scheme!

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About the Author.

Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Jim Rohn's view of the 21st century.

Civilised means not to kill each other for what we want ,but to negotiate for what we want- Jim Rohn

What to look for in the 21st Century?

#1- Uprecedented opportunity.

For a better world ,

Using our intelligience/Education and technology for the betterment of the world.More markets are opening up and anyone can benefit in the 21st Century.

#2- Keen competition.

Democracy means that every one has any equal opportunity to compete.

The 21st Century comes with keen competition in all sectors.

Loving competition is key and not isolating your self from the world.

Jim Rohn's View of the 21st Century Audio.

Jim Rohn Books.


Goal Setting

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New:$4.95 (10)

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Author:Jim Rohn


Binding:Audible Audio Edition

Manufacturer:Made for Success Inc.

In this goal-setting workshop, you will design the next 10 years of your life. The program includes setting goals, association, our view of the future, and becoming a Benefactor. You will discover how to plan your one-, three-, five-, and 10-year goa ...

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Day That Turns Your Life Around

Check out customer reviews

New:$37.99 (15)

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Warranty:Comes with Manufacturer Warranty.

Author:Jim Rohn


Binding:Audio CD

Manufacturer:Nightingale Conant

CD Version - 6 Compact Discs Discover the incredible difference one day can make! Some people waste years, decades, even their entire lives waiting for that extraordinary lightning bolt that will change everything for them! But those whose lives re ...

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Tip:What to do in the 21st century.

Having multiple skills-Dont be caught with Just  one skill

And with computer skills available ,there is no reason why anyone can have multiple skills.

In the 21st century you will be steady in the storm ,able to take advantage of opportunities in what ever dimensions that you want and being able to build equities for yourself and your  family.


Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Monday, 12 January 2015

Inside The Victory 100 dashboard-Training.

Inside Victory 100 Backoffice.

Once you are logged in inside the Victory 100 backoffice  you will access valuable training to help you market and grow your business online by using powerful social media tools.

Why it is important to use Social Media and have an Online presence?

#1-It is where your prospects and future customers are.

Here's how many people check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram daily (in 2 ... - VentureBeat Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:31:09 GMT

Fox NewsHere's how many people check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram daily (in 2 ...VentureBeatIn a decade, social networking has gone from the part-time habit of college kids to a staple of modern life. Pew is out with fresh new statistics on just ...

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#2-It can help understand who your customers are.

#3-People are now spending time searching for businesses and services online.

Read More:

How Much Time People Spend Online - Business Insider Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:50:59 -0700

In a relatively short amount of time, the Internet has moved from an occasional tool to one of the principal ways we communicate, entertain ourselves, and do work. And all that time we spend online has to come at the expense ...

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#4-It can attract new prospects and keep your current  customers.


How To:Retain customers using social Media.

By Megan McMahon For any brand, the most important customer is the current one- the one that is loyal to the brand and will keep coming back for more. But sometimes, it’s hard to keep loyal customers. Fortunately for the brands of the world, social media can bridge the gap between keeping a customer and losing a customer. Here are some basic principles for things that a brand can do with social media in order to retain customers:

1) Stay top of mind with the Facebook News Feed As we all know by now, the Facebook News Feed is controlled by an algorithm where the way that things appear in a user’s feed is based on: 1) the timeliness of a post, 2) how often the user engages with where the post is coming from, 3) how engaging the post is. As a brand, when you can do all of these three things, you’ll stay at the top of the News Feed where all fans can see you. When a brand is at the top of the News Feed, they’re essentially at the top of mind of those who LIKE the page. When it comes time for a consumer to make a purchase decision, and a brand is at the top of mind, that brand will be that much more likely to gain that consumer’s business.

2) Make consumers WANT to come back Staying top of mind is important, but how can a brand make sure that they’re not top of mind for negative reasons? Easy: provide value. Make sure that every post and tweet is something that a consumer would see as valuable. Not as something too sales-y or corny. Brands should stand out but be classy about it. When a brand can provide value, the consumer will want to go back to the Facebook posts or tweets and ultimately, they’ll want to keep going back to purchase from said brand.

3) Customer Service FTW Nothing can create a raving fan quite like amazing customer service can. The way a brand provides customer service through social media can make or break them. At the same time, customer service via social can create a customer for life or lose a valuable customer in an instant. If a brand can provide good service on their social channels, the consumer knows that they will always have somewhere to turn for immediate access to help thus, retaining a customer.

4) Create relationships It’s hard to break up with a brand (or anything / anyone for that matter) when there’s a deep connection that’s been made. One of my favorite things about social media is the ease in which a brand can create a relationship with a consumer. Social media is a relationship builder at our fingertips and can be done in just a few words via Facebook comment or tweet. By creating relationships with consumers, a brand essentially creates a customer that will stick around for a while.

5) LISTEN & RESPOND Most important of all, when it comes to retaining customers with social media all a brand really has to do is LISTEN. Give the people what they want. Brands are being talked about everywhere whether they like it or not. Listening to what’s being said on a large scale and acting upon it is an incredible way for a brand to let people know that their voice is being heard. On an individual consumer basis, brands should listen to what their customer has to say and respond with a human touch, not as a robot would. Just because there’s no face to face interaction doesn’t mean a brand can get away with canned responses. Consumers want to be listened to and responded to on social media as humans. Create an everlasting customer simply by listening.

HOW TO: Retain Your Customers Using Social Media ... Wed, 17 Oct 2012 06:10:30 -0700

By Megan McMahon For any brand, the most important customer is the current one- the one that is loyal to the brand and will keep coming back for more. But sometimes, it's hard to keep loyal customers. Fortunately for the ...

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#5-Improve customer engagement-

It help you know what customers want from your business.

#6-If you aren't online ,your competitors will be!

Why Victory 100?

Why Victory 100 will be a game changer for social media ... Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:00:00 -0800

3 Unique qualities of Victory 100 Social media has become a vital part of our daily lives,And no one can really predict the future.One thing is ce.

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Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Thursday, 8 January 2015

Steps to making 2015 your best year ever.

Jim Rohn shared with me, some great insights on how to have the best year ever.And now here are three things that you can do to make 2015 your best year ever.

1-Increase your value

Raise your worth rather than wait for a pay rise.Jim Rohn says 'If you want to increase your value you have to work more on yourself more than you do on your job'.

Become more valuable to the market place.

If you provide value to the market then you will be sought after.

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3 Ways to Increase Your Value and Improve Your Life | MTN ... Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:00:59 -0800

There are many ways to improve yourself, but what are the most important things you can do to improve you? You will to increase you value if you are looking to move to the next level in your life. I don't know what your next ...

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2-Measure Results.

Set goals with reasonable time limits.

If you want to make 2015 the best year ever ,then you need to measure progress within a reasonable limit of time.

Its definately worrying to a parent when a child fails to complete grade one within one year.

When do you measure?

maybe daily,weekly or at the end of each month,depending on the kind of the goals you have set.


basketball net I’ve never managed to fully give up on setting goals for myself.

In fact, I just finished my monthly review today, where I looked at how well I did on the goals I set for myself last month and set some new ones for the month ahead. As I was doing this, I started to wonder whether I was doing myself any favors by reviewing my progress monthly.

I had a look into the science of measuring progress towards your personal goals and how it affects your well-being, as well as some examples of ways to track your own progress.

How to Measure Progress in Your Personal Goals: Daily ... Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:00:00 -0800

A look at the science of measuring your personal goals and how it affects your well-being, as well as some examples of ways to track your own progress.

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RECOMMENDED BOOKNew Year New You: How To Make This The Best Year of Your Life

Check out customer reviews

Author:P. G. Manifold

Format:Kindle eBook

Binding:Kindle Edition

New Year New You was written with one single goal in mind; to provide each and every one of its readers with the tools and strategies needed to have the best year of their lives. You will learn exactly how to achieve this by following the 5 Step Pr ...

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3-Time to take action

Take a moment to say enough is enough,make that decision to move foward-

Nomatter how terrifying but you got do it---

SEE you at the end of 2015 with smiles all over your face.


Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Victory 100 predictions for 2015

3 Unique qualities of Victory 100

Social media has become a vital part of our daily lives,And no one can really predict the future.One thing is certain though, Social Media is here to stay.What part is victory 100 going to play in social media marketing in 2015?

#1 Great Value of Products and Affordability.

There is so much that you can do with victory 100 products.


-quality content creation that google and othe search engines love-

-auto posting that saves you time.

-quality lead capture pages and an autoresponder system,all from one dashboard.

Victory 100 products sneak peek- — Learn how to sell online- Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:55:20 -0800

How to Automate your business using Victory 100 products. Content is King ,but where do you find the right content to post on your blog/website or so.

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# 2-Training and support.

Victory 100 products are more than just tools.Its a business package/marketing package that every entrepreneur and small business needs.The experts show you how to effectively use social media tools to grow your business in 2015.


Leadership training and motivation.

Victory100 Weekly Hangout

Victory100 Weekly Hangout.

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#3-A marketing strategy that produces rapid results.

A Viral marketing system.

Increase twitter followers within one month in marketing.

Get your post retweeted and shared across all social media platforms.

Increase engagement on facebook,more people starts to like and share your content.

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Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

I am on a journey to impact lives by using the power of the Internet.

If you want to join me in this journey  you are welcome to  contact me on-


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Victory 100 products -A catalyst to your online business.

Why you need Victory 100 products to grow your online business?

Enzymes are a necessity to food breakdown ,digestion and absoption of essential nutrients in the body system.And this is so true as well for Victory 100 products .So essential in building and growing your business online.

A unique catalst for business growth-

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Victory 100 product review

How to Automate your business using Victory 100 products.

Content is King ,but where do you find the right content to post on your blog/website or social media platforms.Victory 100 products are designed to save you time and money in your social media marketing.

Inside Victory 100 dashboard -you can schedule,spin or post relevant content directly to your audience.Below are some categories to choose from,

Depending on the type of your audience,you can choose from different  content categories.

Victory 100 products sneak peek- — Learn how to sell online- Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:55:20 -0800

How to Automate your business using Victory 100 products. Content is King ,but where do you find the right content to post on your blog/website or so.

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The Best social media management tool.

Save time by creating and posting content from one dashboard-

Quality content automatically created for you to Attract ,Engage and Convert your customers into buyers.

Easy to use platform for everyone-

Backed up with great training to help you market like a pro.

What do you get inside the V-Social platform?

  • Content creation for social media marketing
  • Scientifically proven Lead capture pages
  • Autoresponder system
  • Instant emailing
  • Customer support and training

Image result for free trial images


Munetsi Zunguzira.

Internet Entrepreneur

If you want to join me in the journey of discovering your purpose you can contact me on-
