Friday, 7 March 2014

How to be an expert in your field-

Most people in life spend  most of their precious time trying  to be masters of all arts .
Being a jack of all trades is possible , But is it possible to be a master of all arts?

Knowing your profession .
Be able to distinguish between your profession and your job.
Are  you a teacher or a house wife? Know your  calling and why you are here on this earth?
Dedicate your resources towards growing your profession-
If you know your profession you will not jump from job to job or from course to course  , you stick with your calling.
What you do for a living is different from your profession-
What you do for a living is your Job :
Your profession is your calling , why you are here on this earth-
It is what you love to do;
 You are inspired  and hence you are willing to dedicate resources towards the development of your profession.
To some, their job is also their profession. They have found their calling and hence have found ways to earn a living from their profession.
Take time to think and identify your profession.
If your job is not your profession ,please take time to develop your skills in regard to your profession. With time you will start earning a living from your profession.

Personal development

A wise man knows that the greatest resource that he has is himself-
If you are highly developed in skill and knowledge , with strong character you can do ,you can become anything in life.
Never neglect the need to develop yourself .The Spirit , the Soul –Mind and the Body  should be developed in a balanced manner.
Money and time are 2 precious resources that should be invested for personal growth and success.
-spend time studying relevant books in your field.
-spend time studying the bible for your spiritual growth.
-spend time with relevant people, that will encourage you towards growth in your profession.
-spend money attending seminars and trainings for coaching.
-spend money buying  books , audios and videos for personal development.
Expertise comes through hard work and perseverance.

Delegating and outsourcing
Delegating  other tasks to other people. Hire and employ people to help you produce effective results within the set time.
You might have the skills required for the tasks but definitely not the time and energy to execute all tasks at hand.
A high level  of performance require not only skill, but time and energy as well.

Acquire a high level of expertise in your field and become a highly sought after man in your trade.

Munetsi  Zunguzira
For more articles go to—

How to succeed with victory100-

5-principles of success.

I have been listening to one of the leaders and  co-founders of victory100 -Keith Harding as he shares the principles for success especially when running a victory 100 business.
I will share with you this five principles.

1-Raise your standard
Converting the the should into must. Winners are not whiners ,they don’t complain all the day long.
They take action. Where there is no way -winners make a way.
Don’t  accept to be ordinary-You are are a victor and fashioned for success.

2-Change your limiting beliefs.
‘as a many thinketh so is he---“
You are made for success  and you are a winner.
You are not poor but you are rich-
You are confident and bold ,that is who you are.
Anything is possible to one who believes.
Align your mind to the person that you are ,refuse to accommodate negative thoughts.
Deal with the inner conflicts such as fear and doubt by confessing and speaking right words.

3-Strategic  planning.
Model strategies that work-
If you want to be successful in what you do look to the ones that have gone before you and follow their tracks.
Success leaves tracks follow those tracks .
If you want to be a successful internet marketer or  in any business and win with victory 100 then follow the tracks left behind by the leaders.
You don’t have to re- invent the wheel-

4-Intensify your emotions.
Putting your all into your work, your heart and your mind. Become more determined and go an extra mile.
That is how to achieve success in your business.                                                                                              
Show passion when you talk to clients. What does this business mean to you?
Victory 100 is a life changing internet marketing business.

5-Give much more than you accept to receive.
It is blessed to give than to receive. What shapes the meaning of our lives is what we give than what we receive.
When you recruit new customers give them value ,give them your all.
Ask yourself what value am giving. At least make someone smile .
That is the responsibility of victory100 members.
Thank you.

Talk to you soon.
Munetsi Zunguzira

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

What if you could---

 What if you could own a money making machine that could generate tones and tones of cash for you while you are on holiday or sleeping.
This sounds like a scam I guess,
But its reality. Robert  Kiyosaki in his book ‘Rich dad ,Poor dad’ says-The rich don’t work for money but money work for them.

Does this sound familiar,
What Kiyosaki meant is  that ;you need to invest your money into assets---
What if today you put $100 into a machine and when you come back tomorrow you press the machine and then  $200 comes out.

Wouldn’t you buy as many ,such machines as you can?
This is what a home business can do for you. When you set up a home business you create a continuous stream of residual income-
I have designed my business in a way that ,it creates residual income for me even while I am sleeping or on holiday.
Lets go to my back office and I will show you how—

join victory 100 today-

Have a great day,talk to you soon.

munetsi zunguzira


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

What is a blog?

Topics to be covered-

- I have a normal website , do I need  a blog?
-who can use a blog?
-tools for blogging.
- advantages of a blog over a standard website.

A blog is setup of articles, audios , videos, and or images .
The purpose of such setup is to convey a specific message or transfer information via the internet-
It is a  website with dynamic content, being constantly updated.
The blogger is the transmitter ,who conveys the message while the audience becomes the receiver.
The internet has been dominated by key players such as , goggle ,yahoo and Microsoft – Bing . These key  players rank different sites being published on the internet according to the value of information being published.
The topic on how to optimize your blog will be dealt with in the next article.
Search engines love blogs , why?
Search engines search for value , they search for expert advice .when you publish  good content on  a specific  niche, the search engines label an expert-
You become an Authority in your field and hence you rank high with the search engines.
Most blogs are ranking higher than standard websites ,because of the quality and quantity of the  content.
The purpose of a  website is get  more people to know your business and hence get more customers-the goal is to drive traffic to your website.
Most website content is static, while blog content is dynamic.
It is a requirement for every business to have a blog. Having a good website only  is not enough , if you want constant huge traffic to your business  then, get a good blog.
On a blog it is easy to in cooperate the multidimensional forms of communication. Articles ,audio ,videos and imaging .
The  message can easily appeal to different kinds of people. The message can blend  easily with social media platforms
-          Face book , twitter, goggle +,you tube,  pinterest, linked in   ---

Who can use a blog?
 Any business that is serious about growing  their sales  through internet marketing, should think of setting up blog.
A brick and mortar business can setup a blog, and start blogging about their products,
A church can convey a message to its followers via a blog.
If you are selling stuff on sites like Amazon  E bay , you can use a blog to attract potential customers to buy  your products.
A blog can also be used to increase sells when selling  affiliate products on click bank and other sites .
Traditional offline business such as gardening/landscaping , brick and mortar businesses, real estate , life insurance ,car sale---etc ,should take advantage of online marketing by using blogs.
Giving value without chasing people –Is the law of attraction in marketing.

Advantages of a blog.
 A blog is setup  to allow a 2 way communication. A comment section allows the clients to interact effectively  with the business,  
The interaction is limited on a website setup.
Search engines love blogs because of the dynamic content, and hence a bog have a cutting edge over a standard website.
Some recommendations,
Set up a blog at-

Monday, 3 March 2014

About Victory 100

Welcome to the World of Victory100…
where Social Media Meets Network Marketing

Over the last few years, social media has taken over the world of communication. At the same time, the economy
and the work environment has taken a pretty serious turn in a negative direction. It’s times like these where people
tend to spend more of their time inside the friendly, comfortable environment of their online social networks.

A LOT of people are out there looking for their “Plan B” but not sure how to find it or if
they do find it, will they be able to make it work? Networking has always played a huge
role in helping to build a personal business. How do take your experience in networking,
social media and the digital world and supplement your income or completely replace
it for that matter?

Welcome to Victory100, a new type of networking company that combines the
power of multi-level affiliate marketing with social media.
You’ve seen the birth and global explosion of the trillion-dollar social media industry. Why not build a business
around it and EARN an executive-level income! You can also help other people do it so they can earn an income as
well and you earn commissions for helping others succeed! Through Victory100, you can have your own social
media business and the best part is, you can do all of the marketing and create a great income simply by talking to
people in person, through email and through social media!